901 |
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
902 |
My hope is built on nothing less,
903 |
Drawing near with full assurance,
904 |
There's not a friend like the lowly,
905 |
Jesus ! and shall it ever be,
906 |
I was once far away from the Saviour,
907 |
Give me the wings of faith to rise,
908 |
Beautiful valley of Eden,
909 |
When I shall wake in that fair morn of morns,
910 |
Oh for the peace that floweth as a river,
911 |
Gliding o'er life's fitful waters,
912 |
Shall we all meet at home in the morning,
913 |
Shall we meet beyond the river,
914 |
Oh to be over yonder,
915 |
In robes made white through Jesus' blood,
916 |
Only a few more years,
917 |
For ever with the Lord !,
918 |
For thee, O dear, dear country,
919 |
Oh, glorious hope of perfect love,
920 |
Land of rest, for thee I sigh ,
921 |
I sail . . in the light . . . that shines . .,
922 |
The home beyond the shadows,
923 |
We speak of the land of the blest,
924 |
There is a home eternal,
925 |
We would see Jesus — for the shadows lengthen,