Sacred Songs and Solos Lyrics
Hymn No.1176

First Line: Along the River of Time we glide,

Along the River of Time we glide,
Along the River, along the River;
The swiftly flowing, resistless tide,
The swiftly flowing, the swiftly flowing,
And soon, ah, soon, the end we'll see ;
Yes, soon 'twill come, and we will be
Floating, floating,
Out on the sea of Eternity !

2 Along the River of Time we glide,
Along the River, along the River ;
A thousand dangers its currents hide,
A thousand dangers, a thousand dangers ;
And near our course the rocks we see :
Oh, dreadful thought ! a wreck to be,
Floating, floating,
Out on the sea of Eternity !

3 Along the River of Time we glide,
Along the River, along the River;
Our Saviour only our bark can guide,
Our Saviour only, our Saviour only ;
But with Him we secure may be:
No fear, no doubt — but joy to be
Floating, floating,
Out on the sea of Eternity